I help Christians heal core trauma

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I love being a Christian Counselor and spent years working in private practice with individuals struggling with painful emotions, problem behaviors, and relationship issues resulting from past trauma and family dysfunction.


The work was incredibly satisfying as I saw God moving in others to bring about healing and change and to meet the needs of the many Christians I found to be struggling to recover from their painful past. I also worked to offer trauma recovery workshops in church settings to expand my impact.


However, from these experiences and through years of additional education, training, and research on healing from trauma I came to two important conclusions.


First, no matter how well-meaning churches and Christian counselors were, most lacked the needed training in both trauma and integration of Christian faith and healing to be effective in helping people get to the roots and resolve their trauma.

Christians seeking healing from trauma could simply not find the right help to address both the critical emotional and spiritual aspects they needed together for healing.


Second, finding a Christian counselor with the experience and expertise to address trauma effectively was often difficult and frequently not covered by insurance. Even if available, counselors lacked the knowledge and training to combine the essential emotional and spiritual healing components needed for lasting change.


So, I am on a mission to offer Christians struggling with core trauma and a painful past the most comprehensive, cost-effective, accessible, and life-changing program available that combines proven strategies for emotional and spiritual healing not available from church or Christian counseling alone to bring change more quickly and effectively to hurting Christians. Click the "find out more" button below, or email me at [email protected]

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My Expertise:

Helping Christians heal from core trauma by bringing clinically proven emotional and spiritual healing strategies together to achieve deep healing and lasting change.

Who I Work With:

Christians struggling with difficult emotions and life problems rooted in trauma and a painful past.

This includes

  • Childhood Trauma
  • Family Dysfunction
  • Family Addiction
  • Abuse, losses, neglect or rejection
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How to Combine Emotional and Spiritual Healing to  Heal Your Painful Past Completely.

I’ve made a free 30-minute video where I teach Christians about the long-term impact of trauma on mental and physical health, how trauma healing really works, why therapy and church alone are not enough to heal it, and exactly what they need to do to heal trauma and the problems and painful emotions it produces. 

Watch this free 30-minute video where I teach you the keys to healing trauma and how my online comprehensive coaching program can help you transform your trauma into triumph. 


“Through the HOPE program, concepts, and coaching, Dr. King has helped my wife and I work through the wounds of ministry and childhood by walking with us. All the while challenging us to grow to a healthier place of emotional stability as we lead our children into the abundant life Jesus invites us into. We would highly recommend him and HOPE to others as they walk through whatever difficult circumstances they may face.”


"The material in the HOPE program changed my life, helped me heal from childhood trauma, and transformed my relationship with God to experience His love and grace more deeply."


"The HOPE program offers a unique and helpful approach to enveloping tools for emotional and spiritual healing. Dr. King’s ability to connect personal challenges with scripture was a light down a dark path I was traveling. His guidance and teaching have given me a new perspective on daily issues that sometimes seem overwhelming. His information and guidance helped me work through a very dark time in my life that I continue to benefit from."